I welcome all on the star alternative page! I hope, you will not be disappointed in my creation and will come more often, in this network storehouse I shall try to find room for all stars installed, I believe, that at me it to turn out and, certainly, not without your help! And then you will understand, why I am called Zwezd@нутой. At us at what will look!
   This page a fruit of my diligence, sufferings, hobbies, adventures both other rises and falls by mine not of so long life. I want to improve all qualities in this not too spacious, but cosy virtual room, but on the taste, you see for this reason I and was cocked for this so laborious business.
   The stars for me it not a simply heavenly body for me this most remarkable, that are in installed! You see unless it not so? But on this page the star will be a key word, but it does not mean, that we shall forget about simple mortal, we shall try to not give you to become bored! But do not hope that I shall entertain you by set of the senseless texts, I and it suffer I can not. I work by a principle consider to near as itself …
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